Fort Bidwell Study

Calf Scours Study, 2002

Fort Bidwell Graph

Fort Bidwell Study Findings:

  • 100% reduction in scours
  • increased weaning weights
  • increased weight post-weaning
  • OMRI Listed Product


The Fort Bidwell region encompasses the northeastern corner of California and adjacent areas of Oregon and Nevada. Ranching in the Fort Bidwell area comprises mainly private ranches that utilize Bureau of Land Management ranges for beef cattle grazing.

Severe annual calf illness( up to 100% scours) and death (up to 37%) had been observed annually from 1990 to 2001 in a 1200-head cow-calf operation, and years of treatment with numerous antibiotics in several combinations proved unsuccessful. The ranchers also had worked repeatedly with U. C. Davis College of Veterinary Medicine and Washington State College of Veterinary Medicine to ascertain the source of the severe scours that plagued the area. An autogenous bacterin had been developed from the highly resistant strain of enterohemorrhagic E. Coli isolated from local cattle. The effectiveness of this vaccine diminished over time.

The incidence of scour skyrocketed during times of rain, temperature fluctuations, cold stress, and difficulty calving.

The Study:

In January 2002, fifty cows were assigned to the calving study. At birth, the calves were ear-tagged and randomly assigned to the Treatment group and Control group.

On days 1 and 2 after birth, the twenty-seven calves in the treatment group received a dose of Ramaekers NEWBORN IMMUNE PRIMER. The twenty calves in the untreated group served as controls.

All calves were branded and vaccinated at 2 to 3 months of age, and the bull calves were castrated. The Treatment group received another dose of IMMUNE PRIMER, while the Control group received nothing. The study calves with their dams were mixed with other cows with calves and cows still due from multiple herds and turned out onto BLM land around April 15th.

After grazing for 5 months, all the calves were returned to the local ranchland for weaning and vaccines, and the Treatment group received one more dose of STOCKER/ADULT IMMUNE PRIMER.

Results & Discussion:

Within the first week of life, 100% of the control calves develop scours. NONE of the treatment groups experienced any signs of scours.

After observing the difference between the two groups, the ranch owner DEMANDED that the protocol be broken and that the control calves receive IMMUNE PRIMER. The Control calves were given IMMUNE PRIMER for 3 days, after which the diarrhea stopped. This group became designated the Delayed-Treatment group, and the original treatment was renamed the Immediate-Treatment group.

A neighboring herd with similar genetics, herd management, calving times, branding, and a vaccinating schedule was now designated as the Control Herd. The only difference was that the Control herd calved at a higher altitude and had a drier climate than the treatment herd and did not receive the Ramaekers IMMUNE PRIMER formulas.

All the ranchers noted that the Treated calves were easily identifiable, with an estimated 5% to 7% heavier body weight and a more vibrant coat than the untreated calves.

Average Weaning Weights (in pounds)
heifers steers
Immediate-Treatment 555 594
Delayed-Treatment 547 589
Control Group 500 525

The calves were hay-fed for 25 days after weaning and then sold. Combined Group weight averages are as follows:

All Treats All Control
weaning weight 570 514
weaning + 1 month 611 550
weight gain 41 36

Fort Bidwell Study Summary & Conclusions:

  • Starting at birth, the NEWBORN IMMUNE PRIMER formula proved valuable and economical for preventing and treating calf scours.
  • Placing the calf's immune system on a high alert level against impending pathogens proved successful.
  • Using immune supplementation strategically to establish a wellness platform early in life is the key to overall health and performance.
  • IMMUNE PRIMER is efficient and reliable as a new technology in the area of Wellness Management tools.

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These testimonials and case studies are presented for informational purposes only and are not intended as an endorsement of any product. The information is not intended to be a substitute for consulting your local veterinarian. Rather, they offer the reader information written by pet owners and/or veterinarians concerning animal health and products that have shown results.