Sebaceous Epithelioma

Sebaceous Epithelioma—Intermediate Malignancy

  • Natural Immunotherapy can help the patient's immune system shrink skin tumors
  • Natural Immunotherapy usually shows clinical response in 3 to 4 weeks


Enzo. Age/Sex/Breed: 12 year old male Husky Mix

Prior History:

Enzo is a large Husky-cross born in November 1997. The owners adopted him in 2003; much of his prior history is unknown.

Current History:

He's had a long history of allergic skin disease, high water intake, constant panting, soft stools, and occasionally gassy. He has moderate oily seborrhea no active evidence of bacterial skin infections, but has periodically been on antibiotics for skin infections. In the past, some of his symptoms seem to improve with food changes. He has numerous widespread tumors and nodules on his skin. A mass on his right cheek grew, and his character changed recently.


Prior food allergy screens suggested a sensitivity to wheat, corn, and turkey. Blood chemistry screens in 2/07 showed some mild azotemia, with negative Leptospirosis screens. He tested strongly positive for Plechner Syndrome. A biopsy of the right facial skin tumor revealed a Sebaceous Epithelioma (intermediate malignancy). This cell type is intermediate between adenomas and carcinomas in its behavior.


Veterinary Immune Tabs were started on 12/1/08.

Follow up:

1/6/09 - The tumor shrunk to 2.5cm X 2.7cm on recheck. There was a depression in the central area of the tumor. The borders were becoming irregular, and the base was shrinking, which allowed a ruler to be slid underneath. These are signs of cell necrosis and tumor regression. 2/3/09 - The mass dimensions are unchanged, but there is a more definitive central depression along with developing large cracks and fissures on the surface, indicating ongoing regression.


I frequently utilize the Veterinary Immune Tabs to shrink skin tumors before surgical removal, primarily if they are located in a difficult-to-excise location. In Enzo's case, because of other ongoing issues, we're allowing for ongoing tumor regression in hopes of avoiding general anesthesia and surgery to remove the mass. Hopefully, in time, we'll be able to use just a local anesthetic and remove the tumor at the narrowed base. In the meantime, we are improving his overall level of Health and Wellness with the nutritional ingredients in the Veterinary Immune Tabs.

Attending Veterinarian: Dr. Bill Burlingame


Sebaceous Epithelioma.
08/25/08: Before therapy. Note marked lobulations.
Sebaceous Epithelioma
12/13/08: Close-up taken by owner at the beginning of therapy. Note the larger size and smooth rounded surface compared to 8/08. Firmly attached at borders. Size 2.5cm X 3.0cm
Sebaceous Epithelioma
01/6/09: Five weeks into therapy. The tumor size is a little smaller, at 2.5cm X 2.7cm. The borders are becoming irregular, and the base is shrinking, allowing a ruler to be slipped underneath.
Sebaceous Epithelioma
02/3/09: Tumor size is unchanged, but note more central depression and large fissures and cracks are developing, indicating cell necrosis

Professional Formula for Dogs and Cats

Veterinary Immune Powder and Tabs is our professional veterinary immune product for dogs and cats. The powder and tabs are formulated for therapeutic use in animals as an adjunct to chemotherapy, surgery, or radiation. Incorporate the immune powder and tabs into any holistic or Western medicine therapy plan.

The owner feedback is excellent when using our Professional Powder and Tabs Formula for cancer patients. This formula offers pet owners a viable alternative for therapy when chemo, surgery, or radiation is not an option. It also provides excellent nutritional and patient support when used adjunctively with traditional cancer therapy protocols.

Dr. Ramaekers’ Professional Powder and Tabs Formula addresses several areas of need in these critically ill patients.


  • Auto-Immune Disorders
  • Dermatitis~ Bacterial & Fungal
  • Allergies-respiratory & skin
  • Bone Marrow Dysfunction/Pancytopenia/
  • Lymphocytic Leukemia
  • Vaccine Response Enhancement
  • Improved Athletic Performance & Endurance
  • Anti-Viral Effects
  • Stress-induced diarrhea
  • Degenerative Joint Disease/Arthritis
  • Tumor size Reduction
  • Thyroid Conditions
  • Canine Cancers~ Benign & Malignant

The patented Transfer Factor and Medicinal Mushroom blend greatly improved immune function to help battle cancer on a cellular level. The medicinal mushrooms offer anti-angiogenic properties to help starve the tumor of its essential blood supply, improving cellular energy production(ATP) and lung oxygen absorption.

These testimonials and case studies are presented for informational purposes only and are not intended as an endorsement of any product. The information is not intended to be a substitute for consulting your local veterinarian. Rather, they offer the reader information written by pet owners and/or veterinarians concerning animal health and products that have shown results.