Heinrich was diagnosed with a large cancerous mass on his basihyoid bone in August 2023 (either osteosarcoma or chondrosarcoma). It was too risky to do a biopsy or attempt surgical removal because it was so vascular. The surgeon said the mass had consumed the basihyoid bone; it wasn’t even visible on the CT scan. He said he’d never seen anything like it before.
We drove to Cincinnati (a 2-hour trip) every Monday for six weeks for radiation. The radiologist indicated that six months of no growth and six months of slow growth would be a good outcome, but radiation would not cure it. Two weeks after radiation ended, around Thanksgiving, I was allowed to start giving him the Professional Immune Tabs. I discovered them while researching what else I could do to help him. My local vet had never heard of them, and neither had his radiologist.
My goals for Heinrich and his cancerous mass on the basihyoid bone were to be around for Christmas (he was), then a beach trip to Outer Banks (he enjoyed his beach walks), and now it’s for his 11th birthday in February (and hopefully many more!). He is doing GREAT.
Thank you, Dr. Ramaeker and team!
He eats well, plays, runs around the yard, and looks very healthy. His blood work and urinalysis have all been normal (we check it every six months). I know the immune tabs are expensive for a dog of his weight, but I believe they have significantly impacted his life and vitality. He doesn’t look or act like a sick dog. Most people are so surprised when I tell them his story.
Professional Formula for Dogs and Cats
Veterinary Immune Powder and Tabs is our professional veterinary immune product for dogs and cats. The powder and tabs are formulated for therapeutic use in animals as an adjunct to chemotherapy, surgery, or radiation. Incorporate the immune powder and tabs into any holistic or Western medicine therapy plan.
The owner feedback is excellent when using our Professional Powder and Tabs Formula for cancer patients. This formula offers pet owners a viable alternative for therapy when chemo, surgery, or radiation is not an option. It also provides excellent nutritional and patient support when used adjunctively with traditional cancer therapy protocols.
Dr. Ramaekers’ Professional Powder and Tabs Formula addresses several areas of need in these critically ill patients.
- Auto-Immune Disorders
- Dermatitis~ Bacterial & Fungal
- Allergies-respiratory & skin
- Bone Marrow Dysfunction/Pancytopenia/
- Lymphocytic Leukemia
- Vaccine Response Enhancement
- Improved Athletic Performance & Endurance
- Anti-Viral Effects
- Stress-induced diarrhea
- Degenerative Joint Disease/Arthritis
- Tumor size Reduction
- Thyroid Conditions
- Canine Cancers~ Benign & Malignant
The patented Transfer Factor and Medicinal Mushroom blend greatly improved immune function to help battle cancer on a cellular level. The medicinal mushrooms offer anti-angiogenic properties to help starve the tumor of its essential blood supply, improving cellular energy production(ATP) and lung oxygen absorption.