Hi Dr. Slagle,
I thought you would be interested to know the results of Chisholm Cattle Company, LLC's recent flushes:
On 3/18/11, #5 gave us 21 with no unfertile or degenerate. This was her first ever flush. On 5/24/12, she gave us 21 with six degenerates, a net of 15. Then we put her on Ramaekers Nutrition Livestock Stress Pack and gave her a MultiMin shot. We flushed her again on 7/20/12. The weather was much warmer, but she gave us 23, with one unfertile and one degenerate, a net total of 21.
On 5/26/10, # 11 gave us 6 with no unfertile or degenerate. This was her first ever flush. On 5/24/12, she gave us 7 with no unfertile or degenerate. Then we put her on Ramaekers Nutrition Livestock Stress Pack, gave her a MultiMin shot, and the embryologist also increased the hormone dosage. We flushed her again on 7/21/12, and she gave us 9 with one degenerate, a net total of 8.
Thus, between the two cows, we received seven more embryos on the second flush by using your product despite the hot weather. We also used it on a first-time flush of our #8 on 7/20/12. She gave us 26, with three unfertile and four degenerate, a net total of 19. Since this was three times the average, we were happy with her results as well.
Are there discounts available if we decide to order a larger quantity of the Adult Immune Primer Sustained Release with Minerals slow-release boluses?
Joan Chisholm
Chisholm Cattle Company, LLC
Wagyu Cattle * Semen * Embryos