These testimonials and goat and sheep case studies are presented for informational purposes only and are not intended to endorse any product. The information is not intended to substitute for consulting your local veterinarian. Instead, they offer the reader information written by pet owners and/or veterinarians concerning animal health and products that have shown results.
Transfer Factor Technology
Trust transfer factor technology to optimize immune system function in small commercial ruminants. While many products use single rudimentary ingredients known to aid immune health, Ramaekers Nutrition delivers the only immune support products harnessing transfer factors supported by a unique and patented blend of essential nutrients and potent nutraceuticals.
Livestock Products for Goats & Sheep
- Newborn Immune Primer Original for Goats and Sheep
- Newborn Stress Premix for Goats and Sheep
- Adult Immune Primer Support for Livestock
- Adult Stress Premix for Goats and Sheep
Goat & Sheep Case Studies
Pinkeye or Chlamydia Study in Goats
The Goat & Sheep Case Studies involved seven goats initially diagnosed by Dr. Meyers with Pinkeye or Chlamydia and other bacterial infections. Two of the seven goats were just breaking with the disease, and the other five had severe infections and were going blind. At the beginning of the study, Dr. Meyer had treated all seven goats with antibiotics for three weeks with little or no improvement.
Ramaekers Adult Immune Primer
The goats were then placed on Ramaekers Adult Immune Primer. They were given one ounce once a day for 14 days with no antibiotics. The two goats that were just breaking with the disease showed significant improvement in about 48 hours. The other five goats returned to normal within 10 days with no scarring of the eye and the warts just dropping off.