Vet Professional Tabs Twin Pack


Vet Professional Tabs Twin Pack is an essential support system for pets undergoing chemotherapy, surgery, or radiation. Integrating our products into any holistic or Western medicine treatment plan can dramatically elevate your pet’s quality of life and comfort during critical times.


Incorporate Vet Immune Professional Tabs Twin Pack into any holistic or Western medicine therapy plan. The difference between the Professional Vet Immune Tabs and our other immune products is the profile of transfer factor, mushroom extracts, and more concentrated ingredients. We encourage you to review our suggested Dosing Guidelines.


Case Results & Testimonials

Professional Formula for Dogs and Cats

Professional Veterinary Immune Tabs and Powder is our professional veterinary immune product for dogs and cats.

The owner feedback is excellent when using our Professional Tabs and Powder Formula for cancer patients. This formula offers pet owners a viable alternative for therapy when chemo, surgery, or radiation is not an option. It also provides excellent nutritional and patient support when used adjunctively with traditional cancer therapy protocols.

Dr. Ramaekers' Professional Tabs and Powder Formula addresses several areas of need in these critically ill patients.

The patented transfer factor and medicinal mushroom blend greatly improved immune function to help battle cancer on a cellular level. Medicinal mushrooms offer anti-angiogenic properties to help starve the tumor of its essential blood supply, improving cellular energy production (ATP) and lung oxygen absorption.

Immune Support

Dr. Ramaekers Professional Tabs and Powder Formula offers a potent blend of natural pain relievers and chondroprotectives to help improve overall Quality of Life and comfort.

This formula is a complete package of organically chelated minerals (minerals that have been chemically combined with amino acids) that help drive and facilitate the physiologic pathways essential to fighting cancer and improving the clinical effect of the chondroprotective.

Dr. Ramaekers has always sought to source and blend the best ingredients possible to help achieve high bio-availability and the synergy between nutrients the body needs to heal itself. This synergy has been demonstrated in several of his early field studies and is one of the major focus areas of his patented formulas.

Quality of Life

Owners report greatly improved vitality, activity, and appetite over and over after 3 to 6 weeks on the Professional Tabs and Powder Formula. Although we don't always win the complicated battle with cancer, we can usually significantly improve their Quality of Life. As Dr. Ramaekers compassionately says, "We can soften the landing for them."

Incorporate Vet Immune Professional Tabs into Traditional or Holistic Therapy

You can incorporate Professional Tabs and Powder Formulas into traditional Western medicine or holistic therapy plans for critically ill patients, such as those battling auto-immune disease, chronic metabolic conditions, diabetes mellitus, and chronic infections of any type.

Vet Immune Professional Tabs


  • Auto-Immune Disorders
  • Dermatitis~ Bacterial & Fungal
  • Allergies-respiratory & skin
  • Bone Marrow Dysfunction/Pancytopenia/
  • Lymphocytic Leukemia
  • Vaccine Response Enhancement
  • Improved Athletic Performance & Endurance
  • Anti-Viral Effects
  • Stress-induced diarrhea
  • Degenerative Joint Disease/Arthritis
  • Tumor size Reduction
  • Thyroid Conditions
  • Canine Cancers~ Benign & Malignant

In Summary: Vet Professional Tabs Twin Pack

  • We advise starting natural immune supplementation early and continuing (in some manner) throughout life.
  • Remember, those periods of stress are times when illness is more likely to develop. Be sure to start or increase the dose of these supplements before the anticipated stressful event or period.
  • We suggest using one of our potent Immune Formulas early in therapy. The formulas can be used for almost any or all acute or chronic medical conditions.
  • These products are safe to use as a natural integrative supplement with most traditional drug therapy protocols, and they are effective for both dogs and cats.

Learn more about our Nutritional Supplements.

See below for some expanded information about the different formulas.

Additional information

Weight 12 oz
Dimensions 4.75 × 3 × 6 in


About this Item

Vet Immune – Professional Contains 60 four-gram servings. The Twin Pack (2) Contains 60 four-gram servings x two = 120 four-gram servings.

Why Choose Ramaekers Nutrition?

Ramaekers Nutrition products provide immune system enhancement and support to help animals thrive. These products harness transfer factor technology to educate immune cells and enhance their function.

Proprietary Natural Veterinary Products

Ramaekers Nutrition is making extensive breakthroughs in animal health management. Its formulas can be administered as a natural catalyst to, or as an effective substitute for, traditional Western medicine approaches to therapy and prevention.

Treating Animal Diseases and Syndromes

Multiple studies offer compelling efficacy data for Ramaekers' Nutrition formulas producing safe, effective, fast-acting immune responses for companion animals and livestock. U.S. and International composition patents protect Ramaekers Nutrition products.

Allergen Information

None of the ingredients used in Ramaekers Nutrition contain common allergens such as wheat or gluten, fish or shellfish, nuts or seeds, dairy, eggs, soy, or sulfites. The dairy colostrum is extracted and refined to peptides with no allergenic properties.

Wellness & Support

Viral Conditions
Bacterial Conditions
Protozoan Conditions: Coccidiosis; Giardia; Cryptosporidiosis
Fungal Infections
Autoimmune & Immune Medicated Conditions

Refund and Returns Policy

If you are unsatisfied with your purchase, please return unopened products within 30 days for a full refund.

Ramaekers Nutrition
3055 Stanley Avenue, Santa Cruz, CA 95065
Phone: (831) 476-5050